Fifth Annual Arctic Encounter Symposium - April 19-20, 2018
HOSTED at the bell harbor international conference center
confirmed speakers:
U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski, United States Senate, Alaska
The Honorable Aleqa Hammond, Member of the Danish Parliament; former Prime Minister of Greenland
Lieutenant Governor Byron Mallott, State of Alaska
Secretary Rick Perry, U.S. Department of Energy [Video Message]
Governor Paul LePage, State of Maine [Video Message]
Congressman Rick Larsen, 2nd Congressional District of Washington State
Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, 7th Congressional District of Washington State
Ambassador Aleksi Härkönen, Senior Arctic Official Chair of the Arctic Council - Finland
The Honorable Inuuteq Holm Olsen, Minister Plenipotentiary of Greenland, Danish Embassy in Washington, DC
Vice Admiral Fred Midgette, Commander, Pacific Area Defense Force West, U.S. Coast Guard
Captain Paul A. Stader, Director, Strategy and Policy Division, N51, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, The Pentagon
Mr. Nathaniel Jensen, Assistant Secretary for Strategy, Plans, Analysis & Risk, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Mr. Joe Balash, Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management, U.S. Department of Interior
Ambassador Kåre R. Aas, Norway [Video Message]
Congresswoman Chellie Pingree, 1st Congressional District of Maine [Video Message]
U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan, Alaska [Video Message]
Mr. Tero Vauraste, President & CEO of Arctia Ltd.; Chair of the Arctic Economic Council (AEC) [Video Message]
Rear Admiral Michael McAllister, Commander, Seventeenth District, U.S. Coast Guard
Mr. Stefan Lindström, Consul General, Consulate General of Finland in Los Angeles
Mr. Brandon Lee, Consul General, Consulate General of Canada in Seattle
Commodore Angus Topshee, Deputy Director, Strategy, Policy and Plans NORAD-USNORTHCOM J5
Commander David Slayton, Executive Director, Arctic Security Working Group, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Ms. Fran Ulmer, Chair, U.S. Arctic Research Commission
Dr. Brendan Kelly, Executive Director of the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH)
Ms. Melanie Bahnke, President & CEO, Kawerak, Inc.; Tribal Member of the Native Village of Savoonga, Alaska
Dr. Mike Sfraga, Director, Polar Initiative, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Mr. David Balton, Global Fellow, Woodrow Wilson Center; Former Ambassador for Oceans and Fisheries, U.S. State Department
Ted Scambos, Lead Scientist, National Snow and Ice Data Center
Dr. Amy Lauren Lovecraft, Department of Political Science, University Alaska Fairbanks
Dr. Christina Schädel, Northern Arizona University (SEARCH)
Dr. Ted Schuur, Northern Arizona University (SEARCH)
Dr. Marc Müller-Stoffels, denamics GmbH
Mr. Shannon R. Jenkins, Senior Arctic Policy Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard
Mrs. Cara Condit, Director for the Center for Arctic Study and Policy (CASP), U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Ms. Rachel Cox, Associate, Environment, Land Use & Natural Resources Practice Group, Stoel Rives LLP
Mr. Jason Morgan, Partner, Environment, Land Use & Natural Resources Practice Group, Stoel Rives LLP
Ms. Marilyn Romano, Regional Vice-President (Alaska), Alaska Airlines
Mr. Ben Kellie, CEO, K2 Dronotics
Ms. Ramona Monroe, Partner, Oil & Gas, Stoel Rives LLP
Mr. Joshua Kindred, Environmental Counsel, Alaska Oil and Gas Association
Ms. Mary Catherine McAleer, Government Affairs Director, Association of Washington Business
Tony Marzi, General Manager, Praxis, Inc. (A Technology Service Corporation Company)
Mr. Ephraim Froehlich, Fisheries, Wildlife and Arctic Policy Advisor, The Office of U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski
Ms. Kristina Woolston, Vice President of External Affairs, Quintillion
Ms. Susie Silook, Siberian Yupik-Inupiaq Carver and Writer, Tribal Member of the Native Village of Gambell, Alaska
Mr. Joseph Ahmaogak, Board Chairman, Olgoonik Corporation; Whaling Crew Member from Wainwright, Alaska
Ms. Josie Hickel, President, Chugach Commercial Holdings; Chugach Alaska Corporation
Ms. Jackie Qataliña Schaeffer, Senior Project Manager, Division of Environmental Health and Engineering, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
Mr. Michael Brubaker, Director, Community Environmental Health, Division of Community Health Services, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
Ms. Kara Moriarty, President & CEO, Alaska Oil and Gas Association
Mr. Christian Dumard, Arctic Sailboat Race Organizer & Explorer, Round the Pole 2020, Vaimiti Events
Ms. Drue Pearce, Deputy Administrator, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
Mr. David W. Johnston, Regional Supervisor, Office of Leasing and Plans - Alaska, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
Ms. Julie Decker, CEO, The Anchorage Museum
Ms. Renee Orr, Chief of the Office of Strategic Resources, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
Ms. Liz Cravalho, Vice President of External and Government Affairs, NANA Corporation
Ms. Greta Schuerch, Senior Government Relations Coordinator, Red Dog Mine / Teck Alaska
Mr. David Herman, President, Raffetto Herman Strategic, Seattle
Mr. Ward Hinger, CEO, Imaging Associates - Alaska; Telehealth
Ms. Kate McWilliams, Arctic Youth Ambassador; Urban Sustainability student & owner of a consignment shop in Bethel
Mr. Bob Walsh, Rural Broadband Manager, GCI
Dr. Matthew Druckenmiller, National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH)
Mr. Kirk Siegler, National Desk Correspondent, Rural America, NPR
Commissioner Ryan Calkins, Port of Seattle
Ms. Rachel Kallander, Founder & Executive Director, Arctic Encounter; Managing Partner, Kallander & Associates
Mr. Delbert Rexford, President & CEO, Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation
Dr. Herb Schroeder, Founder & Vice Provost, Alaska Native Science & Engineering Program (ANSEP)
Dr. Dwayne Ryan Menezes, Director, Polar Research and Policy Initiative (United Kingdom)
Mr. Tony Penikett, Visiting Professor, Simon Fraser University; former Premier of Yukon (Canada)
Dr. Heather Nicol, Professor, Trent University (Canada)
Mr. Cale Clingenpeel, Managing Director, Arctic Encounter; Partner, Kallander & Associates
Mr. Randy "Church" Kee, Major General, U.S. Air Force (Ret.); Executive Director, Arctic Domain Awareness Center, University of Alaska
Mr. Casey Pape, Board Member, Arctic Encounter; Operations Manager, Prince William Sound Aquaculture Corporation
Ms. Jennifer Gore Dwyer, Board Member, Arctic Encounter; President, St. George Marine
Ms. Laurel Katchatag, Arctic Youth Ambassador from Unalakleet, Alaska
Ms. Tasha Elizarde, Arctic Youth Ambassador from Juneau, Alaska
Mr. Eben Hopson, Arctic Youth Ambassador from Utqiagvik, Alaska
Ms. Shania Wells, Arctic Youth Ambassador from Noorvik, Alaska
Ms. Kayla-Jean Booth, Arctic Youth Ambassador from Kotzebue, Alaska
Mr. Ben Hunter-Francis, Arctic Youth Ambassador from Marshall, Alaska
Mr. Gabe Stenek, Arctic Youth Ambassador from Shishmaref, Alaska
Mr. Brian Conwell, Arctic Youth Ambassador from Unalaska, Alaska
Ms. Alyssa London, Miss Alaska USA 2017; Founder & Owner of Culture Story
Dr. Betsy Baker, Executive Director, North Pacific Research Board
Mr. Kaleb Froehlich, Senior Advisor, Arctic Encounter Symposium; Vice President, Cassidy & Associates
Mr. Zachary Schulman, Arctic Policy Coordinator, U.S. Coast Guard
Dr. Cheryl Rosa, Deputy Director, U.S. Arctic Research Commission
Mr. Hugh Patkotak Sr., President, Olgoonik Corporation
Ms. Meghan Gavin, Member of the Board of Directors, Arctic Encounter; Attorney, Cascadia Law Group PLLC
Mr. Scott Habberstad, Director of Sales & Community Marketing, Alaska Airlines
Mr. Jay Manning, Partner, Cascadia Law Group PLLC
Ms. Molly McCammon, Executive Director, Alaska Ocean Observing System
Dr. Olivia Lee, International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Mayor Richard Beneville, Nome, Alaska
Mr. Tim McMahan, Partner, Climate Change Initiative Lead, Stoel Rives LLP, Arctic Encounter Platinum Sponsor & Co-Host
Ms. Amy Holman, Alaska Regional Coordinator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Ms. Megan Suksraq Alvanna-Stimpfle, Founder & Principal Strategist, Arctic Geopolitical Consulting
Mr. Jason Berry, Managing Director of Cargo Operations, Alaska Airlines
Ms. Diana Birkett Rakow, Vice President of External Relations, Alaska Airlines; Arctic Encounter Platinum Sponsor & Co-Host
Ms. Megan Baldino, Senior Director of External Affairs, GCI
Elle Márjá Eira, Musician and Visual Artist from Sápmi, Norway
Rachel Nesvig, Professional musician specializing in the Hardanger Fiddle, a traditional Norwegian instrument
I AM INUIT Photography Installation; an Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC)-Alaska Project
Natalie Treadwell, Alaskan artist and explorer, oil panting and prints
Susie Silook, Siberian Yupik-Inupiaq Carver and Writer, Tribal Member of the Native Village of Gambell, Alaska
AES Arctic Youth Initiative's 2018 International Photo Exhibition; My Perspective, My Home
SEAWOLF KAYAK - Traditional Kayaks In A Modern World; Mr. Kiliii Yuyan & Ms. Addie Asbridge, Designers and Builders
Bobby Itta of Bobby Itta Designs, Seamstress and Artist from Utqiagvik, Alaska; Adjunct Sewing Instructor at Ilisagvik College
MEKA Clothing, Aleut Inspired and Ready-To-Wear Fashion for Women
AHVAKANA FINE ART, Lawrence "Ulaaq" Ahvakana, Scupltures in wood, alabaster, marble, glass, ivory, bronze and other metals
Teresa Smith, Jewelry designer in ivory, antler, and shells; Model kayak designer and builder
Rico Lanáat Worl, Lead designer and Founder of Trickster Company
Laura John, also known as 'Stálhalamcen – Grizzly Paws', Member of Xwisten the Bear Clan, of Lillooet, British Columbia

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